Friday, March 12, 2010


So I recently signed up for happy mail. You fill out a survey about yourself that goes out to a stranger in the U.S. (or internationally, depending) and they send you a happy package in the mail. You, in turn recieve a survey filled out by a different stranger and send THEM a package. Well as I was putting together the package for the lady I got, I noticed she really likes journals and lives by the motto: "Create adventure. Live inspired." Well, journals can be heavy and pricey to ship, and I wanted to make something JUST FOR HER. So I made these instead:

The back of the Create one says "adventure" but I forgot to take a picture of it. Story of my life.

I hope she likes them!
Oh and here's a cool Alice in Wonderland giveaway!


  1. aaaah they KILL me they are SO CUTE!

  2. I have way too many ideas for more of these babies...

  3. Uhm. Guestbook. I think you should MAKE ours. Because I LOVE these! I'll even pay you if you want. Talk to me.

  4. I looove them!!! =)
    Thanks so much, Carrie!

  5. Your notebooks are super cute! I have a question, but it may seem a little silly. But here it is, when you put the paper for the cover of the notebook, do you cut to fit exactly or is there some hanging over on the inside of the cover too?

  6. That's not silly! I cut the paper to fit as close to the cover as possible. I cheat and buy the notebooks already made and then cover the fronts with paper.
