Saturday, March 6, 2010

"The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame" -Gilbert K. Chesterton

My friend Brandilyn owns the cutest little store called Panache on Main Street. One day last summer, I got really bored and made a whole bunch of picture frames and realized I had no one to give them to and nowhere to put them, so Brandilyn offered to let me sell them in her store. I thought they would never sell, but to my surprise, people buy them! Every time Brandilyn lets me know one sold I feel obnoxiously good about myself.
Here's a few that you can get at her store right now:

(The quote in the above frame says: "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. -Coco Chanel")

This one is a stuffed fabric frame who's picture doesn't quite do it justice.
See you at Panache!


  1. Carrie. These are really super fabulous. Really. I'm in love with so many of them. I want one. Or five. To Panache I go.

  2. Carrie, So I live nowhere near Panache, But I really want to buy your 'a girl should be two things' frame, can we make that happen? please?
    The girl formally know as manley

  3. Yeah! Of course you can purchase that frame! Email me at and we can discuss it eh? ;)

  4. carrie. these are REALLY great! keep it up! i love them!
