Friday, April 23, 2010

Winning giveaways makes me smile

Woo-hoo! I just stumbled upon Kim's AWESOME blog, and I'm kind of in love with it.
Go check it out.

Right now.

When I was poking around, I entered a giveaway for this bag:

And I won!
A bunch of my friends just went to NYC and there's pictures from the garment district everywhere that make me jealous. But now I can pretend I'm some hip fashion designer from New York instead of an aspiring social worker from Idaho.
I mean, come on. I make one meeeean fat quarter apron... :/

She used my profile picture to announce the winner, and I realized that my picture is from my wedding.

I'm kind of embarrassed by how cheesy that is...


  1. YES YES YES!!! go carrie!! winning giveaways is the BESSSSSSST. i'm really excited for you right now :)

  2. congratulation! you know, i always enter giveaway everytime i see it but never been so lucky to be a winner! congratulation again!
